
It's FourO'Clocks...Somewhere

by Julia Caroline Ripley Dorr 1892
It is mid-afternoon.  Long, long ago
Each morning-glory sheathed the slender horn
It blew so gayly on the hills of morn,
And fainted in the noontide's fervid glow.

Gone are the dew-drops from the rose's heart-
Gone with the freshmess of the early hours,
The songs that filled the air with silver showers,
The lovely dreams that were of morn a part.

Yet still in tender light the garden lies;
The warm, sweet winds are whispering soft and low;
Brown bees and butterflies flit to and fro;
The peace of heaven is inthe o'erarching skies.

And here be four-o'clocks, just opening wide
Their many colored petals to the sun,
As glad to live as if the evening dun
Were far away, and morning had not died!

When nothing else will grow and bloom for lack of moisture and the extreme Texas heat, I can always count on Four'OClocks. 

Botanically known as Mirabilis jalapa..Marvel of Peru, it is the most commonly grown ornamental species of Mirabilis, and is available in a range of colours  Mirabilis in Latin means wonderful and Jalapa is a town in Mexico.  The flower is said to have been exported from the Peruvian Andes in 1540.  A curious aspect of this plant is that flowers of different colors can be found simultaneously on the same plant.  (more info on Wikipedia)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

someone told me the flower in my header is a four oclock, i thought it was a morning glory. do you know if it is a four? your header is stunning. I love it with that blurred horse. and the first flower is plain gorgeous.

Gini said...

Your photos are beautiful, Sue! I have never heard of "Four O'clocks before . . . learned something new . . . thank you! Are they in the Morning Glory family? They sure are pretty!

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