
Looking for Chaos....Finding the Aftermath

Chaos! Chaos! Chaos!
Where are You?

I've been Out and About My Town looking for Chaos....ready to Shoot anything that shouted,
 "I am Chaos"!
I got Zip, Nada, Nothin'...not even a whisper!
I guess I'm just not able to recognize Chaos! 

.....you count the rusted remenants of a windmill that once whirled in wind.

...or the view from the back of a bus that once traveled the country roads taking children to and from school.

...or perhaps in the aftermath of a single shot through the window.  Now it's been shot twice!

It may be Chaos!
I guess I just don't see it that way!
Linking To
March 11th Theme - Chaos!


TexWisGirl said...

Nice images! When I think chaos, I think PEOPLE! Things seem so much calmer to me. :)

Kerry said...

Great set of photos. I like how you zeroed in on that broken mirror: it's SO beautiful close-up.

Unknown said...

That last photo is a masterpiece. I keep looking for street fights etc but found none of those either. LOL I think this was a hard one.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you found a lot of chaos and that last shot is pure art. i LOVE IT LOVE IT

Pauline said...

Haha, you're like me and can't find chaos, even when you're looking for it. BUT, you did!

I love all your shots and that last one - perfection!

Jama said...

I like the last one, looks so beautiful despite being broken like that.

Camella Black said...

Love the last shot and the one with the mirror.

GingerV said...

your photos prove my thought that true chaos is man made. nothing compares to the mess we leave behind. the close up of the bullet hole is one of the best photos I've seen in a while. great shot.
and the pile of rubble of the windmill - that tells a story doesn't it?

In the eye of the beholder said...

Very good! I like them all.

J9 said...

Really like the shot into the bus! Great framing too!

Unknown said...

the first one is deep into the abyss.......

love the last shot. now that is pretty chaos!!

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