
The Art of Bait Hook & Catch

Step One....The Bait

Step Two...The Hook

Step Three...The Catch

'The Art' in this collection of 'Baitin' the Hook' Photos is not in the Bait, the Hook or the Catch...
...but 'In the Hands'.


margie said...

love this!! we are a fishing family and i have a similar photo of my good friend baiting her first worm, fake nails and all. great macro.

Sylvia K said...

Terrific macro shots for the day!! Hope you have a great week!


Ingrid said...

Yikes ! that's awful ! (but good macros !)

Kala said...

I can honestly say that I have never seen a macro series like this. Well done!

Elizabeth Lyng said...

Whoa! Good macros (poor worm, haha!)

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